Hebrew Language Delegate

Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth


Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth, Hebrew Language Delegate

Dr. Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth is a teacher educator, researcher, and advocate in the areas of Bilingual Education, TESOL, Second Language Acquisition, and Applied Linguistics.  She is Academic Director of the English program for the families of international students at New York University, Past Director of PhD Programs in Multilingual Multicultural Studies; and co-chair of the ELL Think Tank at NYU.

Her research interests include using technology in second language pedagogy, second language academic writing, and intercultural pragmatics. She is a consultant for the UN in the continued development of Actionthroughwords, a website for English learning and has appeared in “The Three R’s,” a film exploring academic language and the T.V. show Public Voice Salon. Miriam is the recipient of the NYSABE Bilingual Teacher of the Year award (2018-2019), the NYU Teaching Excellence Award and the NYSTESOL Outstanding Teacher Award.


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